miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017

Mudanza de la Biblioteca al Centro Comunitario- We moved the Library to the Community Center

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We moved the Library from the small location were we worked from 2009 to the new buiding inside the Community Center, Chi Tz' Unun Choy! ¡¡Nos mudamos a nuestra nueva ubicación!! Luego de estar en el pequeño espacio desde 2009 ahora dentro del Centro Comunitario, Chi Tz´Unun Choy

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2017


“As a professional fundraiser I was attracted to volunteer at the Centre because it is already making such a difference in Tzununá. It's a truly grassroots effort by the people of Tzununá to improve their community. I can say without a doubt that this project is a worthwhile investment for your volunteer time and donations.” Suzanne Dubé, CFRE from British Columbia, Canada.

jueves, 5 de enero de 2017

Windows and doors in the Library part of the building. Ventanas y puertas en la Biblioteca

The part of the building that will be the Library has windows and doors!! So as soon as we have electricity and the fence we move in!! ¡Tenemos puertas y ventanas en la parte del edificio que va a ser ocupada por nuestra Biblioteca Comunitaria! Estamos esperando la electricidad y el cerco para mudamos.